- The Women's Sodality leads a rosary every Wednesday evening at 7pm via conference call. The dial in number is 978-990-5006 and the access code is 1344528.
- The Men’s Club meets every month via Zoom. Contact DeRay Hodge for more information: DHodge @ ussc.gov.
- The Women’s Ministry Bible Study meets via Zoom on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at 6.30pm. Any ladies interested should contact Stephanie Lewis at stephanielewis111 @ gmail.com.
- Faith Formation hosts several Bible Studies through the year. The current session, on the Beatitudes, is being led by Thelma Adams via conference call. The call-in number is 968-990-5000 and the access code is 360236.
- The Pantry gives out food every third Saturday morning from 10.00am-12.00pm. They are always happy to receive donations of non-perishable food, especially cereal boxes, canned vegetables, canned soup, pasta, tomato sauce, and ramen soup. Donations can be dropped off at the rectory office during office hours, or left at the doorstep at other times.
- The Knights of Columbus meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. Contact Bob White for more information: skyybob @ aol.com.