• Our Lady of Guadalupe
    Join us on December 12. Procession at 3pm from Margaritas Grocery, 6pm Mass at Holy Family, 7pm Reception
    10 FADE
    Our Lady of Guadalupe Join us on December 12. Procession at 3pm from Margaritas Grocery, 6pm Mass at Holy Family, 7pm Reception
    Posadas Join us at 6:30 pm December 17-23 We will meet at the Church, then embark on a journey with the Holy Family
    Christmas Concert Join us for our Christmas Concert on December 20 at 6pm in the Allen Drury Room
    Sunday Mass Times Sundays at 10:00am & 1:00pm Spanish / Saturdays at 4:00 pm /mass-times _self
    Eucharistic Adoration And Confession Tuesdays 6:00 - 7:00 PM /confession-times _self
    Church Roof Completed... How you can help Please Support Us! https://holyfamilyparishmd.org/contribution-fundraising _self